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Many times there is more than one way to achieve the finished item and that is ok!Embroidery instructions are usually provided, for things that require further embroidery explanation, though as a basic guideline only. Review the PDF directions if included with item before beginning and then make your own choices based on your experience.
Beginners may find these instructions helpful to refer to along the way, experienced users may use their own experience, add to or alter directions for their own personal use to further expand their projects. 
Project instructions
Sometimes project directions are included and sometimes they are not! Though please remember, you are buying embroidery designs so you should not expect them to be included. 

Designs should be used for projects you are comfortable making on your own. Many times you can look at the photo and easily mimic the project yourself.

If you still need further guidance or visuals, please let me know and I'll be happy to lend you directions from another similar type item!